by Duane The Great Writer
"The RealPurpose of The NUPresentation created by THE NUUU'IS'MAN & DUANE THE GREAT WRITER & DUANEVA with REBISAR&PALL & The ReALLL UNUversal Guides, is to REDU Everything that The RealGuides have presented before. Throughout Known & UnKnown History there has been a lot that has taken place in This CreationBubble. So much of the 'so-called' History of Today in schools&books is merely Rewritten Deceptive Stories by the World KONtrollers to keep unaware people unaware for more struggling&suffering unconscious lifetimes of even worse conditions Here than Now! It does take a Lot to WakeUP Here, and each person Decides to DO IT or Not. WEE~Wonderful Environment Educators are creating a Huge REDU~REBISAR&DUANE. WEE are going to REDUALL~REBISAR&DUANE&PALL! What has been presented in the 'past' does in no way apply to THE NUNOWNISSS ALLLIFEIS NOW. No more masters&gurus or korporation guidlines or gods&saviors or initiations&members or worship&prayer or religious&spiritual or right&wrong or up&down or heaven&hell, restrictions&authorities, as all of this and a lot more will always stay with This CreationBubble, until it has completely imploded with itself! WAKEUP TIME! This Earth, Galaxy, PhysicalRealm, Entire CreationBubble, is 'emploding' from ALL the Agreed Upon Deception from Those who Deceive Others and with Those who Keep Agreeing to be Deceived! This Creation is a Created Consciousness Bubble from whatever has been Decided and will be Decided Here. WEE are providing a RealWarning as to what has and is taking place on This Planet Earth and ALL of This CreationBubble! WEE 'IS' REALLL! ~~~ WakeUP with REBISAR&DUANEVA & The ReALLL UNUversal Guides who can Show YOU&YU, The RealU, Your RealAwarenisss, how to Freee YourSelf from Everything Restricting You and then You Can Learn to SeeeMorrre with US! TAKE THE RISK TO SEEEMORRRE! SING 'NU~U~U~U' & ASK REBISAR & PALL & DUANEVA & The ReALLL UNUversal Guides on The RealSide LifeIS and Learn to SeeeThru This SurfaceWorld of Appearances!...YOUR CHOICE! Ask USA~Valdis Vitols (Dean Val~NUUU) & UK~Kevin Smith (Dean Kevin~NUUU) on Facebook to Join a Skype NUGroup. StepUP & Become MoreAware & DU Something ReALLL with US! WEE E'DU'CATORS~Wonderful Environment E'DU'cators 'IS' REALLL! Listen to ~ 'THE VISITOR RETURNS' ~ Wednesdays 9PM Pacific Time USA on Facebook with Conference Call Call-ins (720)740.9635 (access code:4901769) with Tim Von Pinnon to Listen & Talk with US. For More Warnings: Seee the Movie 'KNOWING' with Nicolas Cage! (Produced by Reptilian ShapeShifters who are Burning This World with DEW & Laser Blasting the SUN!
by Duane The Great Writer
“From Lifetimes of Experiences that We have each gone thru, it 'IS' NowTime to WakeUP to SomethingNU&ReALLL! We have ALL been thru lifetimes of relationships and loves&loses and battles&wars and created 'ideas' such as politics, religion, education, science, spiritual teachings, and so on. This and so much more is the 'created' past. ALLLIFEIS NOW! NOWIS The NUMoment to Discover ALLLife as IT ReallyIS, and that which 'IS' Far MoreSo than anything in This Creation. This CreationBubble has come to a Saturation Point of 'imploding' upon itself (BlackHoles in This Galaxy) because of ALL the UNconscious Agreements that have Not been Recognized! This of course is not easy to See or Understand by just reading This, as ThereIS So Much More to ALLLife than what can be learned and experienced Here. It takes RealGuidance and a RealEducation to Learn to SeeeBeyond Everything that has been Decided Here. Not everyone is willing to do this, so those who want to stay 'one-dimensional' have the right to do so. Those who want to SeeeMorrre than just 'more lifetimes' of the same struggling&suffering, have finally come to The NUNownisss ALLLifeIS Now and Can Become MultiDimensional Seeers! Finally, what 'IS' presented as The NUPresentation provides The RealReferences to The ReALLL UNUversisss of RealFreedom where there are NO Restrictions & Authorities Ever! Because of how most people have been 'indoctrinated' by the invented systems of Kontrol, it will take some time for anyone who Wants to Be a Real RiskTaker to 'catch-on' to what DUANE THE GREAT WRITER 'IS' Presenting Now. Using 'common' language cannot fulfill what is needed to Succeed into a RealPosition of Becoming ALLAware & SelfSufficient with What ALLLifeIS. So, a step at a time makes sense with The Whole of ALLLife as IT IS! One of the Very Unique Opportunities is that of The PARENT&CHILD Relationship, because the New Child can help to WakeUP the Parent to RealFreedom & RealSurvival far more than can be imagined. Duane raised a Daughter with a RealFocus to The RealSide LifeIS. Any Child can Become a RealSeeer, and Far MoreSo than that of 'psychics&seers' that are very common on This Planet Earth. We Each Chose to Come Here and WHY? Do You Know WHY? You can Know if You Really Want To! You Came Here to WakeUP ALL The Way beyond anything in Creation, but Only YOU Can Decide to Do So! You can provide a RealEducation for Your Child to Become a UNUversal Seeer to help You & Your Child and to help Save This Earth! You Decide! Singing 'NU~U~U~U' makes The RealConnection to The ReALLL UNUversisss of RealFreedom & RealSurvival! ~~~ WakeUP with REBISAR & The ReALLL UNUversal Guides who can Show YOU&YU, The RealU, Your RealAwarenisss, how to Freee YourSelf from Everything Restricting You and then You Can Learn to SeeeMorrre with US! TAKE THE RISK TO SEEE! SING 'NU~U~U~U' & ASK REBISAR & PALL & DUANEVA & The ReALLL UNUversal Guides on The RealSide LifeIS and Learn to SeeeThru This SurfaceWorld of 'this&that's' that appear to be something...YOUR CHOICE! Ask USA~Valdis Vitols (Dean Val~NUUU) & UK~Kevin Smith (Dean Kevin~NUUU) on Facebook to Join a NUSkype Group. StepUP & Become MoreAware & DU Something ReALLL with US! WE E'DU'CATORS~Wonderful Environment E'DU'cators 'IS' REALLL! Listen to ~ 'THE VISITOR RETURNS' ~ www.BlogTalkRadio.comon Wednesdays 9PM Pacific Time USA. For More Warnings: Seee the Movie 'KNOWING' with Nicolas Cage! (Produced by Reptilian ShapeShifters who are Burning This World & Laser Blasting the SUN!)
by Duane The Great Writer
“Most 'indoctrinated' people are unaware of the Fact of how This CreationBubble of Cause&Effect we are all in is purposely setup as an 'Agitation' to assist Each of US into WakingUP Completely with What ALLLifeIS. Whatever is Created Here has been from whatever has been Decided. There is actually no 'right or wrong' to anything, as Everything, from what we each do with our hands, our emotions, our mind, and our imagination, is all part of the Process that We Each must go thru (which entails millions of lifetimes) to eventually be Agitated enough to Want To SeeeMorrre than what we have known Here. It would 'seem' as though This CreationBubble
we are in is endless, and that there was a 'creator' according to the invented systems of This Earth, and that unaware people Here actually know something about The Whole of Life. Each one of US can 'think' and say whatever we want, but does any of it make it so with What ALLLifeIS? Everybody can be as 'right' as they want in their own minds and ALLLife is Not Concerned, as does the Sun Shining above. The TruReality LifeIS is like the Sun Shining, as IT 'IS' Everywhere, yet UnSeeen by the PersonalSenses & PersonalMind. ALLLife is only interested in The RealU, Your RealAwarenisss to SeeeBeyond the CreationBubble that You are Now in! ALLLife must be Seeen&PerSeeeved with Your RealAwarenisss, because IT IS invisible, as is the air You Breathe, to Your Senses and the FiveBodies The RealU Operates in This CreationBubble. This is why there can Never be any lasting 'peace' Here, because ALL of Creation IS Agitation! ~~~ WakeUP with REBISAR&DUANEVA & The ReALLL UNUversal Guides who can Show YOU&YU, The RealU, Your RealAwarenisss, how to Freee YourSelf from Everything Restricting You and then You Can Learn to SeeeMorrre with US! TAKE THE RISK TO SEEEMORRRE! SING 'NU~U~U~U' & ASK REBISAR & PALL & DUANEVA & The ReALLL UNUversal Guides on The RealSide ALLLifeIS and Learn to SeeeThru This SurfaceWorld of Appearances!...YOUR CHOICE! Ask USA~Valdis Vitols (Dean Val~NUUU) & UK~Kevin Smith (Dean Kevin~NUUU) on Facebook to Join a Skype NUGroup. StepUP & Become MoreAware & DU Something ReALLL with US! WEE E'DU'CATORS~Wonderful Environment E'DU'cators 'IS' REALLL & WEE REDUALLL (REBISAR&DUANEVA&PALL) for Everyone Here! Listen to ~ 'THE VISITOR RETURNS' ~ Wednesdays 9PM Pacific Time USA on Facebook with Conference Call Call-ins (720)740.9635 (access code:4901769) with Tim Von Pinnon to Listen & Talk with US. For More Warnings: Seee the Movie 'KNOWING' with Nicolas Cage! (Produced by Reptilian ShapeShifters who are Burning This World with DEW & Laser Blasting the SUN!
by Duane The Great Writer
“The World KONtrollers are constantly marketing Their 'Agenda 21' packaged infections to the unaware public, and especially in the USA, where most people like to watch the 6 O'Clock Subliminal News. The WorldMarketers create the 'ideas' for UNaware Standardized Literalized People, that Eating GMO TechFood, Watching Subliminal TV, Absorbing Lethal WiFi Radiation, Taking Poisoned Vaccines & Hallucinating Medications, Breathing in ChemTrails, Zapped by HAARP, Drinking Toxic Fluoridated Water, Playing with Weird Science, Being Cloned, Living in CONfined Spy Housing, Attempting Suicide, Watching Burning Forests, DisBelieving DEW Weapons, Dangerous Outer Space Travel, Lost in CyberSpace Dimensions, Having Dementia & Cancers, Trusting ChemoTherapy, and of course Wanting OneWorldOrder GovernmentKontrol, seem so Ultimately Romantically Alluring! This is what This Distorted Deceptive CreationBubble has come to be! And what is Happening Now Here is, from ALL those 'little choices' that each of us have made over many lifetimes of Not Knowing Why WE are Here. NOWIS the Time to Know Why YOU are Here! So, for those who do Not want to partake in the Romantically Alluring Authoritarian 'Agenda 21'... WEE~Wonderful Environment Educators have a ReALLL Beneficial NUAdventure for YOU! But, because of ALL the TapLining Baggage that You have brought with You thru the ages of Your Forgotten Lifetimes, You have to want to Freee YourSelf from ALL Your Restrictions to StepUP & StandReal with US~UNUversal SuperBeings. No on is ever 'obligated' to do anything or give up anything they do not want to, as each person Here and Anywhere in ALLLife can do and have and Decide whatever they want. WEE are simply providing a NUOption for ALL! Because, to many unaware people, TapLines are Actually Fun, as they like being molested by Reptilian ShapeShifters that put holes in Their Aura and TapLines in Thier AstralBody and Suck Their Energies unconsciously from them! This too is all part of 'Agenda 21' for Those who Like to Agree to the Abusive Authority Suffering Systems-AASS. Everyone Here always has a Choice! 'ReALLL~Freeedom' or RealSlavery for More UNaware Lifetimes of even Worse Conditions on This Planet Earth Than Now! WEE IS 'NOAGENDA 22' and what this means IS... You can Learn to Recogn'IS'e The RealU, Your RealAwarenisss, and Freee YourSelf from ALL Your SelfMade Restrictions into The ReALLL UNUversisss of RealFreedom where there are NO Authorities Ever! YOU DECIDE! ~~~ WakeUP with REBISAR&DUANEVA & The ReALLL UNUversal Guides who can Show YOU&YU, The RealU, Your RealAwarenisss, how to Freee YourSelf from Everything Restricting You and then You Can Learn to SeeeMorrre with US! TAKE THE RISK TO SEEEMORRRE! SING 'NU~U~U~U' & ASK REBISAR & PALL & DUANEVA & The ReALLL UNUversal Guides on The RealSide LifeIS and Learn to SeeeThru This SurfaceWorld of Appearances!...YOUR CHOICE! Ask USA~Valdis Vitols (Dean Val~NUUU) & UK~Kevin Smith (Dean Kevin~NUUU) on Facebook to Join a Skype NUGroup. StepUP & Become MoreAware & DU Something ReALLL with US! WEE E'DU'CATORS~Wonderful Environment E'DU'cators 'IS' REALLL! Listen to ~ 'THE VISITOR RETURNS' ~ Wednesdays 9PM Pacific Time USA on Facebook with Conference Call Call-ins (720)740.9635 (access code:4901769) with Tim Von Pinnon to Listen & Talk with US. For More Warnings: Seee the Movie 'KNOWING' with Nicolas Cage! (Produced by Reptilian ShapeShifters who are Burning This World with DEW & Laser Blasting the SUN! COMING to FACEBOOK... 'FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE-FNL' at 9PM PacificTime with Very Special GuestHosts!
by Duane The Great Writer
“In the Beginning (This is Not a madeup 'story' like the Holy TapLining Works of Sacrificial Religions) of This CreationBubble, THE ISSSNISSS ALLLIFEIS, provided vast numbers of CreationBubble for UNawareSouls (Specks of Awareness ~ YU, The RealU, Your RealAwarenisss that created the PersonalYou) to enter into, and to GoThru the Huge Process of Creating in Creation, until The NUMoment would come that each unaware little 'soul' could BecomeNU & MorrreAware! ALL of US have been thru So Much, and NowIS The NUMoment to Decide to SeeeBeyond ALL of Cause&Effect Creation into The ReALLL UNUversisss of RealFreeedom where there 'IS' NO Restrictions&Authorities Ever! In This CreationBubble, You use Your FiveBodies to relate to as Your 'reality' Here, and this is fine, as long as You want to Stay UNaware of The ReALLL UNUversisss and be Subservient to the Ruling WorldKontrollers and their Kalaum God Grog in the AstralMental DementiaDimensions Arenas of Reptilian Alien TapLinerS-RATS, this is Your Choice! Everyone can have&do whatever they want in This CreationBubble, and they can stay Here as long as they want and Worship&Pray, Grovel&Beg, Chase Thrills&Sensationalizm, and even be Your Own God, if You like! At the start of This CreationBubble, The ReALLL UNUversal Guides, whose StandReALLL with The TruReality ALLLifeIS~ALLLISSS, did their share of Creating RealOpportunities for the unaware souls to have The RealKnowledge of ALLL, and this was done in many different ways. As Time&Events went on, and this is for Eons&Eons, what The RealGuides had provided always became Slanted&Distorted by Those who did not want to Support The ALLNatural Environment with ALLLevels&Dimensions, but rather Decided to TakeOver Planets and KontrolOthers! So, from ALL that has taken place with This CreationBubble so far, a Huge UnSeeen Demise has been building to where This Planet Earth and Other RoundWorlds in This Realm and Other Realms&Dimensions is Entirely Infected with Reptilian Alien TapLinerS-RATS who have Poisoned Everything Here! YOU ARE IN THEIR DIMENSIONAL MATRIXXX! The 'latest version' of The RealGuides Presentation had been when Paul Twitchell created 'Eckankar' with REBISAR & The RealGuides in 1965. PALL was then & ISNOW a RealGuide with ALLLISSS. PALL&DU (Duane Heppner Body Here) was to Present Something MorreReALLL than anything Here before. When PALL left This Dimension, there were those who were given an opportunity to 'do something' but instead, they Decided to try and create for themselves Only! This has been the lives of Darwin Gross & Harold Klemp (Joanee&Harry Klump of EEKONkon) and since the day PALL left, has been TakenOver by Their Mistress, Reptilian Joanee & The Kalaum God Influence! Most UNaware People will Not Seee This, as they would rather 'cater' to their PersonalSelf for PersonalSatisfaction! Worshiping&Prayer, beliefs, doctrines&documents, constitutions, faiths, hopes, politics, religions, spiritual paths&teachings, masters&gurus, business&science, kings&queens, and whatever else has been Created Here, is of this Simulated DimensionalBubble Only! Everything on This Planet Earth is 'infected' with Reptilian TapLinerS! (Seee ~ 'PIZZA DOUGH' by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER on Facebook) ~~~ WakeUP with REBISAR&DUANEVA & The ReALLL UNUversal Guides who can Show YOU&YU, The RealU, Your RealAwarenisss, how to Freee YourSelf from Everything Restricting You and then You Can Learn to SeeeMorrre with US! TAKE THE RISK TO SEEEMORRRE! SING 'NU~U~U~U' & ASK REBISAR & PALL & DUANEVA & The ReALLL UNUversal Guides on The RealSide ALLLifeIS and Learn to SeeeThru This SurfaceWorld of Appearances!...YOUR CHOICE! Ask USA~Valdis Vitols (Dean Val~NUUU) & UK~Kevin Smith (Dean Kevin~NUUU) on Facebook to Join a Skype NUGroup. StepUP & Become MoreAware & DU Something ReALLL with US! WEE E'DU'CATORS~Wonderful Environment E'DU'cators 'IS' REALLL & WEE REDUALLL (REBISAR&DUANEVA&PALL) for Everyone Here! Listen to ~ 'THE VISITOR RETURNS' ~ Wednesdays 9PM Pacific Time USA on Facebook with Conference Call Call-ins (720)740.9635 (access code:4901769) with Tim Von Pinnon to Listen & Talk with US. For More Warnings: Seee the Movie 'KNOWING' with Nicolas Cage! (Produced by Reptilian ShapeShifters who are Burning This World with DEW & Laser Blasting the SUN!