Complete Your Nubook Collection
By Duane The Great Writer
PDF NuBooks
Part One And Two
PDF's available. Contact Kevin Smith through email.
Nubook Nine
NUBOOK NINE 'REBISAR TARZS & PAUL TWITCHELL THE REAL STORY OF THE KRONE KORPORATION' Since the day Paul Twitchell, a Real UNUversal Guide, was purposely taken out of this life by those who are now in Absolute TapLining Kontrol, there has been a Total Takeover by the forces who Kontrol Planet Earth. Here is a RealAdventure like no other that is part of The Greatest WakeUp Ever for this world and YOU!
PDF Book 9 available. Contact Kevin Smith through email
The African Dialogues
Volumes One,Two, Three and Four.
The Real Universal Guides are in creation now to provide Real guidance and Real education. An opportunity for everybody to supersede the creational simulators and assume a position as Real Beings of Light in the Tru Reality of the ALLLISSS.
At this time the individual with the awareness to bring this through is Duane Heppner and he has created the Nupresentation so that this information can be known.
These two pdf downloads incorporate of a series of Skype dialogues between Duane Heppner and Charles Londi. The questions Charles asks and Duane's responses provide a better understanding of what Duane and the Real Universal Guides are presenting and the opportunity being provided.
PDF's available. Contact Kevin Smith through email.
Kevin's Real Side Dream Experience Books
Chronicles of a Cosmic Space Case
Volumes 1,2,3 and 4
Paperback and PDF Versions
Chronicles Of A
Cosmic Space Case
Volume One
As we decide to become more aware and connect with the true Reality with the NU U song, the universal Guides will enter our experience and take us on a process by which we can eventually recognize the ALLLISSS, this true Reality, beyond the created simulation we are in. Our dream arena now becomes what we term the Realside and we are afforded experiences, adventures and endless perspective vupoints throughout the levels of the simulator and into the Real universes. We become continually aware as this process unfolds until ultimately we can recognize and stand Real with the ALLLISSS as the free beings of light we already are. This book incorporates a series of my Realside dream adventures and their interpretations by myself and Duane Heppner.
PDF available. Contact Kevin Smith through email.
Chronicles Of A
Cosmic Space Case
Volume Three
As we decide to become more aware and connect with the true reality through the Nu U song, the Universal Guides will enter our experience and take us on a process by which we can eventually recognize the ALLLISSS, this true Reality, beyond the created simulation we are in. Our dream arena now becomes what we term the Realside and we are afforded experiences, adventures and endless perspective vupoints throughout the levels of the simulator and into the Real universes. We become continually aware as this process unfolds until ultimately we can recognize and stand Real with the ALLLISSS as the free beings of light we already are. This is Book Three of my Realside dream adventures. Included are the interpretations of the dreams by myself and Duane Heppner.
PDF available. Contact Kevin Smith through email.
Chronicles Of A
Cosmic Space Case
Volume Two
The Early Escapades
As we decide to become more aware and connect with the true reality through the Nu U song, the Universal Guides will enter our experience and take us on a process by which we can eventually recognize the ALLLISSS, this true Reality, beyond the created simulation we are in. Our dream arena now becomes what we term the Realside and we are afforded experiences, adventures and endless perspective vupoints throughout the levels of the simulator and into the Real universes. We become continually aware as this process unfolds until ultimately we can recognize and stand Real with the ALLLISSS as the free beings of light we already are. This is Book Two of my Realside dream adventures but are ones that preceeded the experiences in my first book. Included are the interpretations of the dreams by myself and Duane Heppner.
PDF available. Contact Kevin Smith through email.
Chronicles Of A
Cosmic Space Case
Volume Four
As we decide to become more aware and connect with the Tru reality through the Nu U song, the Universal Guides will enter our experience and take us on a process by which we can eventually recognize the ALLLISSS, this Tru Reality, beyond the created simulation we are in. Our dream arena now becomes what we term the Realside and we are afforded experiences, adventures and endless perspective vupoints throughout the levels of the simulator and into the Real universes. We become continually aware as this process unfolds until ultimately we can recognize and stand Real with the ALLLISSS as the free beings of light we already are. This is Book Four of my Realside dream adventures . Included are the interpretations of the dreams by myself and Duane Heppner.
PDF available. Contact kevin Smith through email.
Chronicles of a
Cosmic Space Case
Volume Five
Duane The Great Writer & Dean Val Vitols, who were with the ISSS~International Secret Service SuperVision, will be finally telling Their Stories after over Fifty Years of Keeping Quiet, in this ongoing NUSeeereees, as They are Both Here to Help Save This Planet Earth.
PDF available. Contact Kevin Smith through email.